
Subdecks (1)

Cards (174)

  • -algia
    pain, suffering
  • dys-
    bad, difficult, or painful
  • -ectomy
    surgical removal, cutting out
  • hyper-
    excessive, increased
  • hypo-
    deficient, decreased
  • -itis
  • -osis
    abnormal condition, disease
  • -ostomy
    the surgical creation of an artificial opening to the body surface
  • -otomy
    cutting, surgical incision
  • -plasty
    surgical repair
  • -rrhage
    bleeding, abnormal excessive fluid discharge
  • -rrhaphy
    surgical suturing
  • -rrhea
    flow or discharge
  • -rrhexis
  • -sclerosis
    abnormal hardening
  • abdominocentesis
    the surgical puncture of the abdominal cavity to remove fluid
  • acronym
    a word formed from the initial letter of the major parts of a compound term
  • acute
    rapid onset, a severe course, and a relatively short duration
  • angiography
    a radiographic study of the blood vessels after the injection of a contrast medium
  • appendectomy
    surgical removal of the appendix
  • arteriosclerosis
    abnormal narrowing of an artery or arteries
  • arthralgia
    pain in one or more joints
  • colostomy
    the surgical creation of an artificial excretory opening between the colon and the body surface
  • cyanosis

    bluish discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes caused by a lack of adequate oxygen in the blood
  • dermatologist
    a physician who specializes in diagnosing and treating disorders of the skin
  • diagnosis
    the identification of a disease
  • diarrhea
    the frequent flow of loose or watery stools
  • edema
    swelling caused by an abnormal accumulation of fluid in cells, tissues, or cavities of the body
  • endarterial
    pertaining to the interior or lining of an artery
  • eponym
    a disease, structure, operation, or procedure named for the person who discovered or described it first
  • erythrocyte
    a mature red blood cell
  • fissure
    a groove or crack-like sore of the skin; normal folds in the contours of the brain
  • fistula
    an abnormal passage between two internal organs or leading from an organ to the surface of the body
  • gastralgia
    pain in the stomach
  • gastritis
    inflammation of the stomach lining
  • gastroenteritis
    inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the stomach and intestines
  • gastrosis
    any disease of the stomach
  • hemorrhage
    the loss of a large amount of blood in a short time
  • hepatomegaly
    abnormal enlargement of the liver
  • hypertension
    the elevation of arterial blood pressure to a level that is likely to cause damage to the cardiovascular system