Topic 2 - the lunar disc

Cards (56)

  • What is the mean diameter of the moon?
  • The Moon's surface features are caused by volcanism, tectonics, impact craters and lava flows
  • Volcanoes on the Moon were formed when magma rose to the surface through fissures (cracks) in the crust.
  • What shape is the moon?
    Oblate spheroid
  • Is the moon a natural satellite of Earth?
  • What are Maria?
    Dark areas on the moon
  • What percentage of the lunar surface is classed as Maria?

  • What is terrae?
    highlands on the moons surface (brighter areas)
  • Why do maria appear darker?
    they contain more iron-rich elements
  • Which side of the moon are there more maria?
    Near side
  • How were Maria formed?
    lava flowing into ancient impact basins
  • What can meteorites or comets colliding with the moons surface cause?
  • When are craters thought to have formed?
    during the moons early evolution
  • Can volcanic activity form craters?
  • What are some features of a crater?
    Raised rim
    rampart (slope)
    crater floor
    central peak
  • What are rays?
    bright streaks that spread out in different directions from the craters
  • How are rays formed?

    Surface material ejected from the crater during an impact
  • Where can most mountains on the lunar surface be found?
    bordering maria
  • How do mountains form on the lunar surface?

    By impacts that released magma under the early lunar surface
  • What are long depressions on the moons surface called?
  • How do valleys form?
    by ancient lava flows, collapsed lava tubes or geological faults
  • How long does the moon take to orbit the earth?
    27.3 days
  • The orbit and rotational period of the moon are identical
  • What is meant by a synchronous rotation?
    Rotation at the same rate as orbit, showing the same face to the body it orbits.
  • What is a sidereal month?
    The time the moon orbits the earth in respect to the stars
  • How long is a sidereal month?
    27.32 days
  • What is a synodic month?
    the period between the same phase of the moon.
  • How long is a synodic month?
    29.5 days
  • The moon was closer to the earth and spun on its axis more quickly.
  • What has slowed down the moon's rotation?
    tidal forces
  • The side we see is known as...?
    the near side
  • The side we cannot see is known as...?
    the far side
  • What are some features of the far side?
    fewer maria
    thicker crust
    more craters
  • How can we see up to 59% of the moon surface?

  • What is the co-accretion theory?
    The moon formed at the same time as the earth in a similar place
  •  The Moon evolved in a different part of the Solar System and was captured by Earth's gravity is known as...?
    capture theory
  • What is fission theory?
     The Earth spun rapidly during its early evolution and Earth material flung out to form the Moon.
  • A Mars size object crashed into the early Earth, changing its axis and jettisoning debris into its orbit and the Moon formed from this, is known as the...?
    Giant Impact theory
  • What is one piece of evidence that supports the giant impact theory?
     the Moon is made of similar material and rock as the Earth
  • Why is the accretion theory flawed?
    does not explain why the moon has a smaller iron core or the angle and elliptical path of the moon's orbit