When We Two Parted

Cards (7)

  • When We Two Parted- Author/About
    Lord Byron
    The poet has been cheated on by a woman who was having an affair with him. He cannot show his feelings without sharing their secret
  • When We Two Parted- Perspective

    First Person, Writer is the speaker
  • When We Two Parted- Themes
    Romantic love, Loss, Distance, Death (of the relationship)
  • When We Two Parted- 3 Strong Techniques
    Repetition- this line- "silence and tears" -sums up what the poem is about and the repetition emphasizes this ensuring that the reader won't forget the speakers pain and the cause of it

    Assonance- the harsh 'k' sounds represents the harsh betrayal- "broken" and "sunk"

    Connotations- "vows" hasconnotationsofpromises and marriage but is contradicted by the "knell" which has connotations of death
  • When We Two Parted- Structure
    Half sized stanzas- emphasises only one sided love (half the relationship)
  • When We Two Parted- Rhyme Pattern
    Regular rhyming pattern (ABAB)~ mimics his behaviour- he has to act like everything's normal
  • When We Two Parted- Could be compared to
    Neutral Tones- Coming to terms with the death of a relationship ★

    Love's Philosophy- Desperation for the relationship to work

    Walking Away- having to witness love loss