Love's Philosophy

Cards (7)

  • Love's Philosophy- Author/About
    Percy Byshee Shelley
    The writer is unsatisfied by just love, he wishes to take the relationship to the next level
  • Love's Philosophy- Perspective
    First Person, Writer is the speaker
  • Love's Philosophy- Themes
    Romantic love, Desire (sexual), Longing, Nature
  • Love's Philosophy- 3 Strong Techniques
    Natural imagery- the use of nature may be to prove the point that it is natural for relationships/feelings to develop-"The fountains mingle with the river"

    Rhetorical questions- emphasises the speakers desperation and his confusion as to why his partner won't give in to him-"Why not with thine?"

    Personification- to push the writer's message across even love itself believes that it is natural to be physical in a relationship-"Love's Philosophy"
  • Love's Philosophy- Structure
    Hyphen on the 7th and 14th line- signifies the speaker is talking directly to his partner almost like a finger pointing
  • Love's Philosophy- Rhyme Pattern

    ABAB rhyming pattern~ emphasizes the point that the writer is trying to make- that it is normal to take relationships to the next level
  • Love's Philosophy- Could Be Compared To

    Sonnet 29- The use of nature to express desire ★

    The Farmer's Bride- Overwhelming longing and being denied

    When we two parted- Desperation for the relationship to work