Cards (12)

  • How humans impact biodiversity:
    Largest cause for human impact on biodiversity os a result of converting large amounts of land for agriculture
    • The changes made are so farmers can maximise the amount of food produced in a specific area of land
  • Impact of agriculture - reduces biodiversity:
    • The number of food sources is reduced as plants or animals are removed
    • Habitats are removed or destroyed which removes shelter and food sources
    • Removal of habitats and food sources cause organisms to die or leave (migrate) to another area which further reduces biodiversity
  • Impact of agriculture:
    • Farmers often select species for particular qualities that make them more productive
    • As a result the number of species, and the genetic variety of alleles they possess, is reduced to the few that exhibit the desired features
  • Main causes of reduction in biodiversity:
    DEFORESTATION - Removal of trees to increase the area of farmland
    • This reduces the number and diversity of tree species and removal of habitat and food sources
  • Main causes of reduction in biodiversity:
    PESTICIDES - Sprayed on crops to kill insects which feed on them
    • Reduces number of insect species, and reduces food source of organisms who feed on these insects
  • Main causes of reduction in biodiversity:
    MONOCULTURES - Farmers plant fields containing only one species of plant
    • Will support fewer organisms as a food source or habitat which further decreases biodiversity
  • Main causes of reduction in biodiversity:
    HEDGEROW REMOVAL - Increases area of farmland by removing hedges which separate them
    • Destroys habitats in hedgerows
  • Balance between conservation and farming:
    Farmers have to balance the need to produce food with the need to protect the environment
    • Maintaining biodiversity is also important as it provides us with food sources, medicines and building materials
  • Balance between conservation and farming:CONSERVATION TECHNIQUES
    • Schemes which encourage farmers to replant hedgerows - helps to increase biodiversity around agricultural land
  • Balance between conservation and farming:CONSERVATION TECHNIQUES
    • Giving legal protection to endangered species - this could prevent destruction of food sources or habitats where these species are found
  • Balance between conservation and farming:CONSERVATION TECHNIQUES
    • Creating protected areas such as SSSIs (Sites of Special Scientific Interest) in areas of high biodiversity which are under threat from agricultural or building development
  • Balance between conservation and farming:CONSERVATION TECHNIQUES
    • Plant hedges rather than fences as field boundaries
    • Maintain existing ponds and where possible create new ones
    • Reduce use of pesticides
    • Use organic, rather than inorganic fertilisers