Freud proposed the psychodynamic approach, which suggests human behaviour is determined by different forces, most of which are unconscious, that operate on the mind
Most of our mind is made up of the unconscious: a vast storehouse of biological drives and instincts that influence our behaviour and personality
The unconscious also contains threatening and disturbing memories which have been repressed. These can be accessed through dreams or by slips of the tongue
There are three parts which make up the unconscious mind: the id, the ego and the superego
the id is the primitive part of our personality that is made up of selfish, aggressive instincts that demand immediate gratification
the id operates on the pleasure principle
Only the id is present at birth
The ego works on the reality principle
the ego develops around 2 years old
the ego is a mediator between the id and the superego and reduces conflict between the id and the superego by employing defence mechanisms
there are 3 defence mechanisms: repression, denial and displacement
Repression - forcingdistressing memories or unwanted thoughts out of the conscious mind
Denial - refusing to acknowledge some aspect of reality
Displacement - transferring feelings from the true source of distressing emotion onto a substitute target
The superego is the moralistic part of our personality which represents the ideal self: how we ought to be
the superego is formed at the end of the phallic stage around the age of 5
the superego is based on the morality principle
the superegosuppressesdesires of the id that are considered wrong and punishes wrongdoing through guilt