Character of Henry VIII

Cards (19)

  • Henry VIII
    • Young
    • Succeeded peacefully to the throne
    • His position was secure
    • No powerful rival claimants to the throne during the reign
  • Henry VIII wished to
    • Concern himself with the pursuit of military adventures, especially expeditions to conquer France
  • Henry VIII saw Francis I of France (king 1515-47) as a rival
  • Henry VIII wished to:
    • Enhance his own and England's position in Europe
    • Saw himself as the equal of Francis I and Charles V, the Holy Roman Emperor
  • Interests of Henry VIII
    • Hunting
    • Sports
    • Feasting
    • Music
    • Intellectual pursuits
    • Affairs of the court
  • In 1509
    • Henry VIII married Catherine of Aragon, the widow of his older brother Prince Arthur
    • They were crowned in Westminster Abbey
  • Henry VIII represented hopes of reform and change in government and society
  • Amongst Renaissance scholars, many of whom were humanists, there was the idea that government and society could be improved and reformed
  • Henry VIII's accession appeared to promise change.
  • Henry VII had ruled harshly in his final years allowing his servants to extract money and land by dubious means from landowners
  • His death in 1509 unleashed a backlash from the great men of the realm, seeking to re-establish good government
  • Bonds and Recognizances, by which the king enmeshed landowners in financial constraints, (fines and suspended fines) were cancelled
  • Empson and Dudley, the most hated of the Henry VII's new men, lawyers who ran the Council Learned in the Law, were executed in 1510 by the new king Henry
  • The nobility, excluded from influence under Henry VII, returned to Court
  • The nobility encouraged Henry VIII to go to war with France and renew the Hundred Years War
  • After years of peace under Henry VII, they would take their place once more as the king's military commanders
  • A highly educated, handsome young man of 17 replaced an old, ill, harsh and suspicious king
  • In 1509 Henry married Catherine of Aragon, the widow of his older brother Prince Arthur. A few weeks later (June 1509) they were crowned in Westminster Abbey
  • Amongst Renaissance scholars, many of whom were called humanists, there was the idea that government and society could be improved and reformed