
Cards (18)

  • What are the 2 methods from making ethanol?
    Hydration of ethene
  • What are the conditions for hydration of ethene?
    React with steam
    300 degrees Celsius
    6000 kPa ( 60 atm)
    Phosphoric acid catalyst
  • What is a biofuel?
    fuel made from biological resources
  • What are the conditions for the fermentation of glucose to ethanol?
    No oxygen
    25-40 degrees Celsius
  • Compared to hydration, what are the advantages of fermentation of ethanol?
    Uses a renewable source
    Cheaper equipment
    Lower temperatures and pressures
  • Compared to fermentation what are the advantages of hydration?
    Faster rate of reaction
    Continuous not batch process
    Ethanol produced is purer
    higher percentage economy
  • Define carbon neutral?
    No overall carbon dioxide emission into atmosphere
  • What are the 2 ways in which alcohols can be dehydrated into alkenes?
    Reaction with excess hot concentrated sulfuric acid catalyst
    Aluminium Oxide catalyst
  • What can primary alcohols be oxidised into?
  • What are aldehydes oxidised into?
    Carboxylic acids
  • What are secondary alcohols oxidised into?
  • What is the oxidising agent used to oxidise alcohols into aldehydes and ketones?
    Acidified potassium dichromate
  • What colour does the potassium dichromate change from and to?
    Orange to green
  • What technique is used when alcohols are being oxidised into ethanoic acid?
  • What are the 2 tests used to distinguish between aldehydes and ketones?
    Tollens reagent
    Fehling solution
  • What is tollens reagent?
    solution of silver nitrate in aqueous ammonia
  • Describe how to carry out the silver mirror test and describe positive result?
    Warm solution with tollens reagent
    If aldehydes present metallic silver deposits form on the inside of test tube
    If ketones no change
  • Describe the Fehlings test and positive result?
    Warm solution with blue Fehlings solution
    If aldehydes present a brick red precipitate forms
    if ketones present then no change