Indicators of something, e.g. flowers blooming in Spring, flashing lights warning of a train, threatening sky warning of a storm
Types of signs
Signs to guide safe travel (e.g. traffic signs)
Signs that inform us of upcoming events
Spiritual signs
The Gospels, parents and friends, the Sacraments, prayer
As we become more attentive to spiritual signs
We will learn to trust in God more, understand ourselves better, and come to know the path of life laid out for us by God
A call from God that everyone must discover
Single life of dedicated service
Consecrated life as religious
No matter what vocation we are called to, everyone is called to holiness
The family is the context in which all vocations are nurtured and often revealed
Jesus: 'Jesus is inviting you to a deeper relationship with Him'
Marriage is the primordial (original) sacrament in which grace comes through Christ
God established marriage and He is the source of its sacredness
Submission in marriage
A call to receptivity to the other, which promotes reverence, unity and sanctification
Self-give and love now are not the end goal of our existence, rather they are the means to fulfilling our purpose for eternal union with God
God wants an eternal union with us beyond anything experienced on earth – a "marriage" relationship with us in heaven
The love of Christ is what enables couples to be faithful even when wedding vows seem impossible to keep
The redemption that Christ brings is the HOPE that we have for living out the vocation to marriage with peaceandfidelity the way that God intended it
When we live out our vocation to love, we become a reflection of God Himself
Marriage (and family life) is a school of love where we learn to sacrifice for the sake of the other while often denying one's own desires for the greater good of the marriage
St.FrancisDeSales: 'Marriage is a "perpetual exercise of mortification", adding that, "occasions for suffering are more frequent in this state than in any other"'
The basis for the spousal analogy between Christ's love for the Church and marriage is the love between a husband and wife, and the union of their lives, not just the union of their bodies
Christ's love for the Church is "the only key to understanding the sacramentality of marriage"
TheSpousalanalogy - The scriptural imagery using the understanding of marriage conveys the power and fidelity of God's love for humans and Christ's love for the Church
Christ gave himself up for the Church, which reveals what marriage should be
Mutual submission in love between husband and wife
An amazing opportunity for spouses to image agape love (God's unconditional love) for each other through mutual respect and total self-donation
Throughout the sacrament of marriage, the body is the means and visible sign of the love between spouses
Placing oneself "under themission" (sub-mission) of another, surrendering to someone. In marriage, this means deferring to each other in love.
Marriage was and is God's idea, he created it
JohnPaul II called marriage the primordialsacrament (the original sacrament), which transmits effectively in the visible world the invisible mystery hidden in God
Marriage is the basic building block upon which society is built
When the infatuation fades and some stress and suffering comes along in marriage
The married couple are left with the real person they have chosen to marry, and love is tested
God wants us to choose to love, which brings us deep joy within a life of virtue and holiness
Successfulmarriages are not based upon finding the perfect person but upon loving the imperfect person that you have chosen to marry
It is through total and sincere self-giving that a married couple makes visible the life-giving love of God
The four F's of love
Free, Full, Faithful, Fruitful
Loving as God loves means loving in a way that is free, full, faithful and fruitful
Vocation - comes from the Latin vocare,
meaning “tocall.” If we all have a
call (which we all do), when we all
must figure out what that call
from God is.
To what do couples usually vow?
Loving, honoring, and cherishing each other
How come there are
couples who fail to be
true to their vows and
choose to live separate
Unsolved couple problems, negative realizations and thoughts