Minority Influence

Cards (15)

  • MI - is a form of SI in which a minority of ppl, sometimes just one persuades others to adopt their beliefs, attitudes or behaviours - leads to internalisation or conversion, in which private attitudes are changed as well as public behaviour
  • Consistency - MI is the most effective if the minority keeps the same beliefs both over time and between all individuals. This is because it draws attention to the minority view.
  • Commitment - Mi is more powerful if minority demonstrates dedication to their position e.g. making personal sacrifice. This is effective because it shows the minority isn't acting out of self-interest.
  • Flexibility - Relentless consistency could be counter-productive if majority is seen as unbending and unreasonable. Therefore, MI is more effective if minority show flexibility by accepting the possibility of compromise.
  • Moscovici argued that Asch and others had much too much emphasis on the notion that the majority in a group has a large influence on the minority. He believed it is also possible for a minority to influence a majority. Asch agreed.
  • Moscovici explanation of MI is if an individual is exposed to a persuasive argument and under certain conditions, they may change their own views to that of the minority. (INTERNALISATION) as the individual publicly changes their behaviour but also privately agrees. He called this a conversion and said it was a perquisite for social change.
  • Moscovici study:
    • P's were shown 36 slides which were clearly diff shades of blue and asked to state colour of each slide out loud. In the first part, 2 confederates answered green for each slides. Completely consistent in responses.
    • Second part they answered green 24 times and blue 12 times in this case they were inconsistent
    • Control group used for comparison with experimental group therefore, factors expected to influence eg are removed. The control group did not include confederate.
  • Results of Moscovici study:
    • 0.25% of control groups were green, the rst was blue
    • experimental group 1.25% of p's answered green when confeds gave inconsistent answers
    • Rose to 8.42% responding Green when confederates were consistent in responses.
  • Moscovici conclusion:
    • Minority can influence majorities inconsistent but more effective when consistent as they were largely ignored when inconsistent
  • Consistency makes others rethink their own views:
    • Synchronic consistency - Ppl in minority are all saying the same thing
    • Diachronic consistency - Saying the same thing for a long time
  • Commitment: Sometimes minorities engage in quite extreme activities to draw attention to their cause. Important that these activities are at some risk as this demonstrates commitment to the cause. Increases amount of interest further from other majority group members (The argumentation principle)
  • Flexibility: If consistent minority is seen as inflexible, rigid and uncompromising - they will be unlikely to change views of majority. However, if they appear flexible and compromising they are likely to be seen as less extreme as more moderate cooperative and reasonable - better chance of changing majority views.
  • Strength: Research support for consistency
    • Moscovici
    • Later research largely confirmed findings - Wood et al carried out meta-analysis of almost 100 similar studies and found minority who were seen as consistent were most influential. This suggests that presenting consistent view is a minimum requirement for MI
  • Weakness: Artificial tasks
    • Studies looking at MI lack external validity because task of identifying colour of slide is so far removed from how minorities attempt to change behaviours of majorities in real life. Cases such as decision making in a jury are vastly more important as it is a matter life or death.
  • Weakness: Effect of minority may not be apparent
    • Ppl may be reluctant to admit conversion publicly. Mos found higher agreement with minority when p's wrote down their responses - shows internalisation toos place.