According to him there are 4 ways to implement information for a superior user experience design.
Rashi Desai
How to Implement Designer Bias/ Egocentrism.
Understanding user Personas from Data
Designing the task model
Redesigning the user interface
How to Implement Designer Bias/ Egocentrism.
Making persona's comprehend users encounters, practice and objectives
Understanding user Personas from Data
How to Implement Designer Bias/ Egocentrism.
It frequently includes documenting
Should depend on information for the insight
Designing the task model
How to Implement Designer Bias/ Egocentrism.
Analyze components that worked or didn't function.
Divide your information into positive and negatives.
Draw out a connection between the factors of consideration and determine whether the relationship are solid or frail.
Redesigning the user interface
How to Implement Designer Bias/ Egocentrism.
A methodology of usability to identify user friendly problems in a user interface system.
Looking at the user interface and reviewing it's conformity with defined usability requirements by limited group of evaluators.
Heuristic Evaluation with Data
Is a cognitive bias that causes humans to rely too heavily on their own point of view when analyzing events in their life.
Tendency causes people either to disregard how different the point of view of other people is form their own or to fully ignore the point of view of other people.
A slightly opposite effect than the egocentric bias
It cause the opinion of people about their own emotional condition to be affected by the emotion of other.
Alter centric
Can cause someone to believe that their nervousness is more likely than it is to others.
Can cause somebody to maximize the amount of work they have put into a group project.
May cause somebody to assume that they all share their political opinions and social values.
Can lead somewhere.
Egocentric Bias
It happens because of the disparity in the technology and design industry as most tech an design points are still held by males.
Egocentrism Designing
How to reduce bias in design:
User Involvement
Recognize scripts and metaphors
How to reduce bias in design
Communicating with varied people helps to overt the unintended biases and stereotypes .
User Involvement
How to reduce bias in design
When we design we use sure scripts explicitly and implicitly.
We construct imaginary character and write scripts base on the information we gathered from the user.