Cards (6)

  • No intervention is necessary with EEG's, therefore it allows for natural measurement of brain activity.
  • EEG's are safe and painless, easy to use.
  • It is often used as a diagnostic tool when looking at epilepsy or sleep disorders and to determine brain death.
  • Electrodes are not sensetive enough to pick out individual action potentials of single neurons: does not allow researchers to distinguish between activities originating in differentbut adjacent locations.
  • However, it could be argued that EEGs are uncomfortable for the participant as electrodes are attached to the head. This could result in unrepresentative readings as the patient’s discomfort may be affecting cognitive responses to situations.
  • An advantage of the EEG technique is that it has good temporal resolution: it takes readings every millisecond, meaning it can record the brain’s activity in real time as opposed to looking at a passive brain. This leads to an accurate measurement of electrical activity when responding to a specific task.