Radiant energy from short wavelength gamma rays to long wavelength radio waves. They are photons of energy traveling in a wavelike manner. The shorter the wavelength, the higher the electromagnetic energy.
Types of Electromagnetic Energies
Cosmic Rays
Gamma Rays
Radio,TV, Microwave, etc
Is the distance between peaks as light is envisioned to travel in wavelike manner
Is the distance between peaks as light is envisioned to travel in wavelike manner
It is expressed in terms of Nanometer (nm); Angstrom (A); and Millimicrons (mµ)
1 nm = 10 A
1 nm = mµ
Kinds of Wavelength
Visible spectrum – 400 – 700nm
Ultraviolet region (UV) - < 400nm
Infrared region (IR) - > 700nm
Is the number of vibrations of wave motions per second
Derived from the “Plank's Formula”
The lower the wave frequency, the longer the wavelength.
The wavelength is inversely related to frequency and energy; the shorter the wavelength, the higher the frequency and energy and vice versa.
Distance between peak and trough
The higher the amplitude, the more intense the light= the more light energy.
350-430; VIOLET - YELLOW
430-475; BLUE - ORANGE
505-555; GREEN - RED
575-600; YELLOW - VIOLET
600-650; ORANGE - BLUE
650-700; RED - GREEN
Two primary consideration in every colorimetric analysis
Quality of the color
Intensity of the color
Kinds of Colorimetry
Visual Colorimetry
Photoelectric Colorimetry
Visual Colorimetry
uses the eyes in determining end point
Photoelectric Colorimetry
Spectrophotometric measurement
Photometric measurement
Spectrophotometric measurement
Measurement of light intensity in a narrower wavelength. It uses a device (prisms and/or gratings) to disperse the source of light into a continuous spectrum.
Photometric measurement
Measurements of light intensity of multiple wavelength. It uses filter to isolate part of the spectrum.
Different Types of Spectrophotometers
Single Beam
Double Beam
Visible Light (400-700 nm)
Ultraviolet Light
Infrared Light
In this type, all the light passes through the sample. To measure the intensity of the incident light the sample must be removed so that all the light can pass through.
This type of spectrometer is usually less expensive and less complicated.
In this type, before reaches the sample the light source is split into two separate beams. From these one passes through the sample and second one is used for reference.
This gives the advantageous because at the same time the reference reading and sample reading can take place.
VisibleLight (400-700 nm)
Visible spectrophotometers can use incandescent, halogen, LED, or a combination of these sources and these spectrophotometers vary in accuracy.
Plastic and glass cuvettes can be used for visible light spectroscopy.
Ultraviolet Light
UV spectroscopy is used for fluids, and even solids. Cuvettes, only made of quartz, are used for placing the samples.
IR spectroscopy, which helps to study different structures of molecules and its vibrations.
Different chemical structures vibrate in different ways due to variation of energy associated with each wave length.
For example, mid-range and near infrared (higher energy) infrared tends to cause rotational vibrations and harmonic vibrations respectively.
Parts of the Spectrophotometer
Light Source
Entrance Slit
Exit Slit
Analytical Cell or Cuvette
Light Source
Provides radiant energy in the form of visible or non-visible light that may pass through the monochromator.
The light of proper wavelength will be made incident on the analytical cell.
Types of Light Source
TungstenIodine Lamp
QuartzHalide Lamp
DeuteriumDischarge Lamp
MercuryVapor Lamp
HallowCathode Lamp
Tungsten Iodine Lamp
Produces energy wavelength from 340 to 700 nm (visible region).
It is used for moderately diluted solution
Quartz Halide Lamp
Contains small amounts of halogen such as iodine to prevent the decomposition of the vaporized tungsten from the very hot filament.
Deuterium Discharge Lamp
Provides energy source with high output in the UV range (down to 165 nm)
Used above 800 nm
Merst Glower
an electrically heated rod of rare earth element oxides
uses silicon carbide
Exits narrow bands of energy at well defined places in the spectrum (UV and visible)
Hallow Cathode Lamp
Consists of a gas-tight chamber containing anode, a cylindrical cathode, and inert gas such as helium and argon.
Entrance Slit
Minimizes unwanted or stray light and prevents the entrance of scattered light into the monochromator system
Stray Light
refers to any wavelength outside the band transmitted by the monochromator, it causes absorbance error
Stray light limits the maximum absorbance that a spectrophotometer can achieve.
Stray light is the most common cause of losslinearity at high-analyte concentration.
Isolate specific wavelength of light.
Monochromator light
light radiation of a single wavelength
Types of Monochromators
Wedge-shaped pieces of glass, quarts, NaCl, or some other material that allows transmission of light
Disperse white light into a continuous spectrum of colors based on variation of refractive index for different wavelength
Can be rotated, allowing only the desired wavelength to pass through an exit slit
Has small grooves cut at such an angle that each groove behave like a very small prism
Separates white light into various color component
Based on the principle that wavelengths are bent as they pass a sharp corner