Money, medium of exchange, currency (bills) and coins, legal tender (Peso)
Any other negotiable instruments (payable in money + acceptable by the bank for deposit and immediate credit), checks, bank drafts, postal money orders, currency demand deposits with banks
Unrestricted and immediately available for use in current operations, for payment of operating expenses, for payment of current liability, for acquisition of current assets
Cash Items
Cash on hand (undeposited cash collection, bills, coins, other cash items awaiting deposit)
Customer's Check
Manager's Check
Cashier's Check
Traveler's Check
Bank draft
Money Order
Customer's Check
Check paid by customer, not sure if there is fund as no guarantee of available fund
Manager's Check
Guaranteed by the manager, money already deducted from the bank
Cashier's Check
Guaranteed by the cashier, money already deducted from the bank
Traveler's Check
Check carried by travelers abroad if they don't want to carry a lot of cash
Bank draft
Guaranteed by the bank, document written by the bank to assure there are funds
Money Order
Other financial institution (paper = cash as it can be exchanged for money)
Checks (Problems)
Undelivered Checks
Postdated Check Delivered (Company)
Stale Check or check long outstanding
Cash in Bank
Unrestricted to withdrawal, demand deposit / checking account, where checks come from
Compensating balance
Minimum checking or demand deposit account balance that must be maintained due to borrowing arrangement with bank, partial compensation for the loan extended, restriction but not cash
Bank overdraft
CIB account has a credit balance, issuance of checks in excess of the deposits, current liability, offsetting not allowed but can be offset against other accounts in the same bank, not permitted in the Philippines
Cash Fund
Petty cash fund
Payroll fund
Travel fund
Interest fund
Tax fund
Sinking fund
Preference share redemption fund
Contingent fund
Insurance fund
Fund for acquisition or construction of PPE
Cash Equivalents
Short-term and highly liquid investments that are readily convertible into cash and so near their maturity that they have insignificant risk of changes in value because of changes in interest rate
Cash Equivalents
Three-month BSP treasury bill
BSP treasury bill purchased three months before maturity date
Three-month time deposit
Three-month money market instrument or commercial paper
Equity securities do not qualify as cash equivalents as they do not have a maturity date
Preference shares with specified redemption date and acquired three months before redemption date qualify as cash equivalents