The conch

Cards (9)

  • -as the story progresses the authority of the conch erodes --> mirrors the breakdown of order
    -this decline in respect reflects the boy's descent into savagery + their increasing disregard for rules
    - after the conch's destruction: signifies the complete collapse of order among the boys without the conch, there is no semblance of a structured society --> as the conch's authority diminishes, so does the social order, this deterioration reveals the inherent chaos that can emerge when social structure breaks down

    illustrates how authority can be fragile in the face of anarchy
  • at the start of the novel, it represents the boys' innocent attempt to establish a fair and orderly society. However as their situation becomes more dire, their innocent is lost, and the conch becomes a powerless relic.
    the conch's eventual destruction illustrates the fragility of symbols, and serves as a reminder that symbols are only as powerful as the meaning attributed by society
  • -themes involve unity, order and authority
    -acts as a symbol of authority and democracy, the person who holds the conch can speak --> this acts as a democratic process, as it ensures all voices are heart: this allows for all voices to be heard
    therefore it represents the idea rules and order are essential for maintaining a civilized society
  • "we can use this to call the others" (Piggy) --> displays the conch's profound significance, as it creates order
    marks the formation of a society, almost herding the children
  • "I'll give the conch to the next person to speak" (Ralph) --> democratic, enables free speech, fair leader
  • "'I've got the conch,' said Piggy indignantly. 'You let me speak!'" (Piggy) --> "indignantly": being treated unfairly, and is desperately demanding equality
  • Littleuns --> "they all obeyed the summons of the conch"
  • Piggy states the conch is "ever so expensive" --> in the civilised world is holds a lot of value.
  • "His ordinary voice sounded like a whisper after the harsh work of the conch. He laid the conch against his lips... and blew once more. The note boomed again." --> "ordinary voice" = invaluable/ contrasting, an extension of Ralph (gives him command and authority)
    "whisper" = overwise unheard