anthropomorphic + gender-specific language

Cards (7)

  • anthropomorphic language is used for God as it is easier for Christians to understand - both at the time with patriarchal society + also current times as it makes God more relatable for Christians + has an element of intimacy
  • problems with using anthropomorphic language to describe God:
    • puts limits on a God who is believed to be transcendent
    • counter to feminism
  • Daphne Hampson view:
    • describes the Abrahamic religions as "a form of fascism" due to their repression of women + the way they "establish man as norm"
  • limitation of women is still evident in Christianity today as the Catholic Church don't allow women in ordained leadership
  • male-dominant language was important to use at the time as it was a male-dominated society
    • Israelite royal line was mainly male
    • important for the survival of the religion at the time - people would be more likely to listen to men
  • the patriarchal view of God is arguably challenged:
    • God: "... but now, like a woman in childbirth, I cry out, I gasp and pant"
  • Jesus as a feminist:
    • he interacted with women i.e. the woman at the well
    • although all his disciples were men, this was because men were more likely to be listened to in order to allow Christianity to thrive
    • it was women who found Jesus' tomb + that he wasn't there