
Cards (12)

  • She is described as small in the beginning which sets her up as a victim
    Small and slender
  • She is idealised by Francis as pure and innocent
    The pale purity of her face reminded me of the statue of St Therese
  • She is attacked
    Her white blouse torn and one hand clutching the front of her blouse to hold it together
  • She is transformer physically after the attack

    For one lightning moment I didn’t recognise her. Now her hair is cut short and combed straight and flat
  • He is like a movie star- glamorous and admired by all
    Fred Astaire
  • He’s not all he seems
    There were dark hints that he had gotten into trouble in New York City
  • He has done this before
    Sweet young things
  • Key question of the novel
    Does that one sim of mine wipe away all the good things
  • Francis sees her as pure and innocent
    The pale purity of her face reminded me of the statue of St Therese
  • Francis would do anything for Nicole

    I silently pledged my love and loyalty forever
  • Francis doesn’t recognise nicole
    For one lightning moment I didn't recognise her
  • Francis feels responsible for what happned to Nicole
    I recognised in her eyes what I could not deny: betrayal