Safety is to prevent yourself from danger by following the rules
Safety symbols/signs
Explosive symbol
Means the container is explosive
Oxidizing symbol
Presence of oxidizing gases, solids or liquids that can intensify a fire
Radioactive symbol
To make everyone aware of a hazard in any area
Flammable symbol
Any flammable substances that ignite on contact with air
Harmful symbol
Used to show that a substance can be hazardous
Toxic symbol
Warns that a substance can cause severe damage
Where safety symbols can be found
Chemical bottles
Safety rules
Don't leave the gas on at home
Don't mix chemicals that you don't know about
Don't play with sharp objects in class
Don't cross the road without looking back
Color codes for safety
Red - dangerous substances
Yellow - hazard/caution
Blue - indicates an action should be done with caution
Green - shows something is safe
Don'ts in the lab
Food in the lab
Removing the fire extinguisher
No teacher
Exposed chemicals in a cabinet
Touching chemicals with hands
Putting things in electrical sockets
Chemicals near fire
Spilling chemicals
Leaving cabinets and drawers open
Smelling chemicals
Leaving water running
No protective goggles
Chemicals on the edge of the table
Unorganized jars
Dangerous situations: Playing around the stove, playing with scissors, exposed medicine, rat poison near food, lit cigarettes
A measure taken in advance to prevent something dangerous from happening
Examples of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)
Protective padding
Hair net
Steel toe boots
Ear plugs
Lab coats
Safety overalls
Safety equipment in the lab
Safety shower
Eyewash station
Med kit
If a chemical gets in the eye, use the eyewash
Unwanted materials to be discarded
Categories of waste
Solid waste
Domestic waste
Electronic waste
Organic solvent waste
Corrosive waste (chemical)
Radioactive waste
Agricultural waste
Medical waste
Proper disposal of waste is important to prevent pollution, disease spread, and environmental damage
The scientific method is a systematic method that allows scientists to test their hypotheses and draw conclusions
An assumption, an idea that's proposed for the sake of argument so that it can be tested to see if it might be true
Focusing on evidence is important to find out how things work
The net movement of water molecules across a partially permeable membrane from a region of higher water concentration to a region of lower water concentration
Water concentration
The amount of water as compared to the other molecules like sugars or salts that are dissolved in that water
Solutes are the dissolving molecules in water
Osmosis in cells
Water particles diffuse from the outside of the cell (higher water concentration) down the concentration gradient into the cell (lower water concentration)
Diffusion is the net movement of particles from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration
Osmosis is a special case of diffusion, specifically the diffusion of water molecules
The key point is that water concentration is determined by the proportion of water compared to solutes, not the volume of water
The cell's partially permeable membrane separates the inside of the cell from the outside
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People who design and build things to solve problems
Types of engineers
Other types that don't exist yet
Engineering process
1. Define the problem
2. Do research
3. Develop a solution
4. Design the solution
5. Build a prototype
6. Evaluate the solution
Define the problem
Figure out what the problem is that needs to be solved
Example of defining a problem
Alexander Graham Bell trying to come up with a simpler, cheaper way for people to communicate
Do research
Make a list of questions, find information, look at existing solutions that could be improved
Example of doing research
Alfred Nobel researching existing explosives to invent a safer one for miners