People are universally rational being who desire their own freedom
Jean Jaques Rosseau on Society
The basis of any legitimate state has to be the nation, the nation is a vehicle for self-determination
Jean Jaques Rousseau on society
political society must be based on national self-determination
Johann Gottfried von Herder on Human nature
People see their own identity in terms of collective identity of a cultural group with common language and history
Johann Gottfried von Herder on the state
States can only be rightfully based upon the collective identity of a people with common cultural and linguistic heritage
Johann Gottfried von Herder on society
society is a cultural concept, based on shared sense of cultural identity and national heritage
Johann Gottfried von Herder on the economy
Herder made no special relationships between nation and economy
Giuseppe Mazzini on human nature
people seek liberty but do so on the basis of their shared cultural heritage
Giuseppe Mazzini on the state
The state is a romantic ideal, the ultimate expression of the unity of a people. Republican democracy in varying forms is the form a free nation will choose
Giuseppe Mazzini on society
Society must allow personal freedom to flourish, individuals may only be free if a whole society is free -united italy
Giuseppe Mazzini on the economy
Economic freedom is a natural result of general freedom enjoyed by nations and their peoples
Charles Maura’s on human nature
National heritage is the principal aspect of a persons character, ethnicity is a significant detriment of nationality
Charles Maurras on the state
the state must be organised according to nations heritage, not according to universalist motions of liberty. Some nation states are superior for others
Charles Maurras on society
Society is based on a shared sense of ethnicity some societies are superior forms of civilisation to others
Charles Maurras on the economy
The superior culture of one nation naturally leads to economic dominance of one nation over others
Marcus Garvey on Human nature
All people are part of either a white race or a black race, though the white race has dominated the black race the latter can claim a distinct history and culture
Marcus Garvey on the state
Nation states are largely artificial constructs, the products of white supremacy. The only meaningful state should be the united black peoples of the world
Marcus Garvey on society
Black society will fulfil its true potential once the colonial oppression of black people is defeated
Marcus Garvey on the Economy
Garvey opposed both international capitalism, which leads to imperialism, and communism, which leads to dictatorship. Black people should set up their own form of capitalism for their benefit
Jean Jaques Rousseau on the economy
Saw no direct relationship between nationalism and the economy, his theory of the general will however implies that wealth was to be move evenly distributed amongst the citizens of the nation