Airplane or Aeroplane - invented by Wrigjt brothers, Willbur and Orville.
St. Peterburg -Tampa Airboat Line became the first scheduled passenger airline services
Computer - an electronic machine that accepts information, stores.
Charles Babbage - father of computers
Konrad Zeus - built the very first electronic computers in Germany in the period of 1935 to 1941
Konrad zeus - -inventor of the computer
1926 - first semi conductor transistor was invented
1947 - developed a solid state reliable transistor for the use in computer
Transistor - similar to a vaccuum tube, it controls the flow of electricity but it was only a few milimeters in size and generated little heat
1594 - IBM introduced the first mass-produced computer
1958 - it became possible to combine several components, including transistors and the circuitry connecting them on a single piece of silicon
1970 - it became possible to squeeze all the integrated circuits that are part of a single computer on a single chip called microprocessor
1975 - the first device that could be called a personal computer was introduced
Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak - introduce Apple Computers on April Fool's dayApple I (the first computer with a single circuit board in 1976
Arcon - the first IBM personal computer. It uses Microsofts MS DOS operating system. It has intel chip, two floppy disks and optional color monitor in 1981
Tim Bernes- Lee - a researcher at CERN, develops the Hyper Text Markup Languange (HTML) giving rise to the World Wide-Web (WWW) in 1990
1993 - the Pentium microprocessor advances the use of graphics and music on PC's
1994 - "alone the dark 2" "theme park", "magic carpet" and the "little big adventure" were among the games to hit the market
1999- the term wi-fi (wireless fidelity) becomes part of the computing languange and users begin connecting to the Internet without wires
2004- Mozzilla's firefox 1.0 challenges Microsoft Internet Explorer, the dominant Web Browser.
2005 - Youtube a video sharing service is founded - Google acquires Android, a Linux-based mobile phone operating system
2006 - Apple introduces Macbook Pro
Optical Fiber - used by many telecommunications companies to transmit telephone signals
Photophone - the worlds first wireless telephone first practical use came in military communication system
2016 - The first reprogrammable quantum computer was invented
2017 - The Defense Advances Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is developing a new Molecular Informatic program that uses molecules as computer
Magnetic Reasonance Imaging (MRI) - a non invasive medical test that physicians use to diagnose medical conditions.
The internet - started in early 1900 when Nikola Tesla toyed with the idea of a world wireless system
Paul Otlet and Vannevar Bush conceived of mechanized, searchable storege systems of books and media in 1930's and 1940's
1952 - UK based physicict Narlinder Sighh Kapany invented the first actual fiber optical cable based on John Tyndall's experiments three decades earlier.
Jun-ichi Nishizawa - proposed the use of optical fibers for communication in 1963
1970 - optical fiber was succesfully developed by Corning Glass Work
Fiber optic is preferred over electrical cabling when high bandwith, long distance, or immunity to electromagnetic interference are required