The psychodynamic approach - AO3

Cards (3)

  • P- In support of the psychodynamic approach, Freud conducted case studies demonstrating his concepts.
    E - Little Hans demonstrated the Oedipus Complex as Hans displaced this fear of castration onto horses which explained his phobia according to Freud.
    A - HW, only Freud conducted these case studies they could be open to researcher bias as he could be looking for evidence for his own theories. It is also hard to generalise from one individual to the general population, due to his highly subjective interpretations.
    L - Therefore, Freud’s methods could be said to lack scientific rigour
  • P - A weakness of Freud’s theories is that they contain abstract concepts.
    E - We cannot measure concepts such as displacement in a scientific way. His theories are non falsifiable and so lack scientific credibility.
    A - HW, his work has been used in the real world as treatments Freud introduced a range of therapies to help us to access the unconscious mind such as dream analysis. Psychoanalysis helps deal with unresolved conflicts and has influenced the counselling we have today.
    L - Therefore, despite his subjective research methods, the PA has good explanatory power for human behaviour
  • P - A final weakness of the psychodynamic approach is that is deterministic.
    E - Freud’s theories suggest that our childhood experiences shape our adult personality and does not acknowledge how other factors in adult life could affect abnormality.
    A - He ignores the suggestion of free will and so this is known as ‘psychic determinism’.
    L - Therefore, psychodynamic approaches could be deemed as limited and an approach like Humanism may be more effective and holistic way of explaining human behaviour, as it acknowledges both psychodynamic and biological causes.