A type of resistant rock found in the mountains of North Wales, attracted people to quarry for roofing material and generated over four-fifths of all British slate during the Industrial Revolution
Found mostly in the north and west of the country: Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales and north England (e.g. Lake District, Grampian Mountains and Snowdonia etc.)
Form when magma from the mantle cools down and hardens, as it cools, crystals form in the rock, they are hard and more resistant to erosion e.g. granite and basalt
Layers of sediment is compacted together until they become solid rock, limestone and chalk come from the tiny shells and skeletons of dead sea creatures, limestone is harder than chalk, but both are less resistant to erosion, clays and shales are made from mud and clay minerals, and are much softer than limestone and chalk
When rock (igneous, sedimentary or older metamorphic rock) is put under pressure and heat (but not melted), the original rock becomes a new type of rock, this new rock becomes harder and more compact e.g. shale becomes slate and with more pressure and heat, slate becomes schist
In the UK, the uplands are mostly igneous and metamorphic rock, with the softer sedimentary rock found in the lowlands of the south, southeast and central UK
Past tectonic activity has shaped the UK's landscape
1. Plate movement has moved the UK from the tropics, where it was partially submerged in warm shallow water which formed the limestones
2. The chalks and clays of England are the youngest rocks of the UK, formed in the swamps and shallow seas before the tectonic plates moved the UK to its present position
3. When the plates collided, it forced the rocks to fold and uplift creating the mountain ranges of the uplands: Scottish Highlands, Snowdonia, and the Lake district etc.
4. The pressure and heat created the slate, shale and schist of the uplands
5. The UK used to be much closer to a plate boundary than it is now, and volcanic activity formed the granite (igneous rock) of the upper landscape: The Giant's Causeway in Northern Ireland is made of huge hexagonal columns of basalt