
Cards (13)

  • ignores role of genes and biology
  • humanistic approach is not objective as it relies on subjective experiences.
  • cannot be tested or falsified
  • not scientific- actively against using empirical methods
  • Humanism assumes that everyone's experience is valid which may not always be true.
  • idiographic approaches lack generalisability and cant be used to create generalised laws about behaviour
  • lacks objectivity, humanists believe we are all unique so there can never be an 'objective truth'. This means they cannot make claims about what is right or wrong.
  • quite westernised concept- other countries focus on the good of the community (collectivist) not the individual (individualistic)
  • criticised for being too idealistic
  • humanism ignores social influences- people dont exist in isolation but within society
  • limited evidence for hierarchy of needs
  • assumes everyone has the ability to self actualise
  • cannot explain abnormal psychology as it assumes humans have free will