The four ghosts create different effects to evoke fear, awaken emotions, show the power of sharing and cheerfulness, and inspire Scrooge to reform and share his wealth with others
The Ghost of Christmas Present delivers scathing moral discourses on the selfishness of the rich and their heartlessness towards the plight of the poor
The Ghost of Christmas Present uses Scrooge's previous remarks against him to make him understand the reality of what he is inflicting on the poor with his callous indifference to their suffering
Fred, Scrooge's nephew, hosts a Christmas dinner for his friends with music, laughter and party games, despite the awful way Scrooge has treated him</b>
Dickens strongly believed in the power of education for the masses and its ability to lift people out of poverty by giving them opportunities to improve their lives
At this point in the story, Scrooge has already made up his mind to change his ways and live as a better man solely from what the other ghosts have shown him
The ultimate purpose of the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come
To encourage readers to think about what sort of legacy they are leaving behind once they have died, how people will remember them, and what they did to make the world a better place