Causes and Impacts

Cards (26)

  • Causes of deforestation
    • Wildfires
    • Expansion of settlements
    • Logging
    • Clearing land for agriculture
    • Mining
    • Infrastructure development
  • The frequency and severity of wildfires have increased, which is linked to human-induced climate change
  • Deforestation is often the result of a combination of factors which are linked together rather than any one cause
  • For example, the growth of settlements also leads to more land being cleared for agriculture
  • Wildfires are a natural cause of deforestation
  • The frequency and severity of wildfires have increased, linked to human-induced climate change
  • Main human causes of deforestation
    • Wildfires
    • Logging
    • Energy (dams, mining)
    • Commercial plantations
    • Settlements
    • Subsistence farming
  • Deforestation leads to areas being planted with monoculture, which reduces biodiversity
  • Deforestation decreases interception and infiltration
    Reduces evapotranspiration and precipitation
  • Deforestation increases overland flow
    Leads to soil erosion and sedimentation of rivers
  • Sediment builds up on riverbeds, reducing their capacity and increasing flood risk
  • Lack of interception increases the leaching of nutrients from the soil
  • Fewer trees increase the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere

    Adding to the enhanced greenhouse effect
  • Soils become less fertile and drier, may turn reddish brown due to increased iron oxide
  • The majority of nutrients in the tropical rainforest are held in the biomass, which is removed by deforestation
  • Indigenous communities have less land to sustain their traditional way of life, leading to a loss of culture and traditions
  • Deforestation increases the risk of landslides and flooding of settlements
  • Deforestation leads to a loss of potential medicines
  • Deforestation provides more jobs in mining, forestry, agriculture and hydroelectric power
  • Almost a quarter of Brazil's GDP comes from activities in the deforested areas of the Amazon
  • Malaysia has the fastest rate of deforestation in the world, with over 140,000 hectares of forest felled and cleared each year since 2000
  • Logging, energy, mining, commercial plantations, settlements and subsistence farming are the main causes of deforestation in Malaysia
  • Deforestation in Malaysia has led to soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, local climate change, and impacts on indigenous communities
  • The Bakun Dam in Malaysia will result in 700 km2 of land being underwater, flooding large areas of forest
  • Malaysia exports over 30% of the world's palm oil and is the second largest producer
  • Clear felling permits are sometimes used in Malaysia to clear land, which is then later planted with palm oil