Cards (6)

  • judgement, heaven, hell + purgatory as physical was a view held almost universally in the West until modern times. it is still believed by some fundamentalists
  • the powerful in the Church + secular world saw physical judgement as a way of controlling the peasants
  • judgement as physical:
    • at the end of the world, Christ will return in glory to judge all humans according to their deeds
  • heaven as physical:
    • those assessed as holy will be taken to heaven by angels
    • often depicted as a city
  • hell as physical:
    • those who have committed mortal sins will be cast into hell to suffer torment for eternity
    • often depicted as a blazing fire
  • purgatory as physical:
    • those whose sins are venial undergo a period of cleansing suffering + pain, or purgatory
    • this enables them to enter heaven