Mineral Nutrition

Cards (130)

  • Macronutrients
    These are mineral nutrients that are present in increased amounts inside plant body/nutrient solutions
  • Micronutrients
    These are mineral nutrients that are present in lower amounts
  • Essential element
    This is an element that is directly involved in plant metabolism, needed for completion of the plant's life cycle, and causes specific deficiency when it is unavailable
  • T or F: Silicon and sodium are examples of essential elements
  • T or F: Mineral nutrients are converted into carbohydrates, amino acids, lipids, and other carbon skeleton for plant growth and development
  • 3 main aspects of mineral nutrition
    • deficiency
    • acquisition
    • assimilation
  • T or F: Elements acquired primarily are in the form of organic ions
  • T or F: Hydrogen, Carbon, and Oxygen are obtained from carbon dioxide only
  • What kind of nutrients are these?
    A) macronutrients
    B) micronutrients
  • Categories of essential elements
    • The quantity needed for normal plant growth
    • Physiochemical properties
    • Function
    • Mobility
  • 17 elements classified as essential
    1. Hydrogen
    2. Carbon
    3. Oxygen
    4. Nitrogen
    5. Phosphorus
    6. Potassium
    7. Calcium
    8. Magnesium
    9. Sulfur
    10. Chlorine
    11. Iron
    12. Boron
    13. Manganese
    14. Zinc
    15. Copper
    16. Molybdenum
    17. Nickel
  • T or F: Among the 17 essential elements, Cl, Fe, B, S, Mn, Zn, Mo, Ni are classified as micronutrients
  • T or F: Aside from essential elements, there are beneficial elements as well that compensates for the toxic effects of other elements
    • Na
    • Si
    • Co
    • Se
  • Classification of plant mineral nutrients according to biochemical function
    1. Nutrients that are part of carbon compounds
    2. Nutrients that are important in energy storage or structural integrity
    3. Nutrients that remain in ionic form
    4. Nutrients that are invovled in redox reactions
  • T or F: N and S are nutrients that are part of carbon compounds
  • T or F: P, Si, and B are nutrients that are important in energy storage or structural integrity
  • T or F: K, Ca, Mg, Cl, Mn, and Na are nutrients that remain in ionic form
  • T or F: Fe, Zn, Cu, Ni, Mo are nutrients that are involved in redox reactions
  • Nutrient acquisition
    Ability of plants to obtain nutrients from soil, water, or air
  • T or F: soil is a complex substrate containing solid and liquid phases only
  • Mobile Elements
    • Nitrogen
    • Phosphorus
    • Magnesium
    • Zinc
  • Immobile elements
    • Calcium
    • Boron
    • Copper
    • Manganese
    • Sulfur
    • Iron
  • Critical concentration
    Minimal nutrient concentration that is correlated with maximal growth/yield
  • T or F: In a deficiency zone, growth is not at maximum, but the plant is still thriving
  • T or F: In oberserving nutrient disorders of plants, visual symptoms of deficiency, plant and soil analysis, and biochemical indicators are used to obtain the status of the plant
  • T or F: Nutrient deficiency results from low concentration of nutrient in soil, unabsorbable forms of nutrients, inappropriate soil content and pH, and processes which make nutrients available to plant
  • T or F: Visual symptoms of essential nutrient deficiency are related to the mobility
  • T or F: Essential nutrient deficiency symptoms concerning mobile elements show up first in older organs since younger tissue have more drawing power than older tissue when nutrients are in short supply
  • T or F: Younger organs are prioritized when allocating mobile elements due to plant growth
  • T or F: Immobile element deficiency symptoms show up first in younger organs since they do not have enough minerals stored that they can use during short supply
  • Chlorosis
    Yellowing of green leaves because the nutrient is directly involved in the photosynthesis machinery
  • Necrosis
    When a plant area becomes brown or black; involved in metabolism
  • T or F: Chlorosis happens due to nutrient deficiency
  • T or F: necrosis also happens due to infections
  • T or F: In old and mature leaf blades, uniform chlorosis happens due to deficiency in N or S
  • T or F: in old and mature leaf blade, tip and marginal necrosis happens due to lack of N
  • T or F: In old and mature leaf blades, interveinal necrosis happens due to lack of Mg or Mn
  • T or F: In young leaf blades and apex, uniform chlorosis happens due to lack of Fe or S
  • T or F: In young leaf blades and apex, interveinal or blotched chlorosis happens due to lack of Mg or Mn
  • T or F: In old and mature leaf blades, interveinal chlorosis happens due to lack of Mg or N