It is not necessary to understand all the programming and process that a GIS uses with data, but understanding the fundamentals will allow the student to differentiate between methods of analysis
A connect the dots drawing, composed of dots (points), a series of connected dots (lines), or a series of dots that create an enclosed shape (polygons)
Objects or conditions in the real world are represented by points, lines and polygons that define their boundaries, much as if they were being drawn on a map
The position of each object is defined by its placement in a map space that is organized by a coordinate reference system
The space is regularly subdivided into cells (usually square in shape)
The location of geographic objects or conditions is defined by the row and column positions of the cells they occupy
The area that each cell represents defines the spatial resolution available
The value stored for each cell indicates the type of object or condition that is found at that location in the raster model, and the homogeneous units are the cells
Each vertex has a latitude and longitude associated with it that provides its location
When any vertex or line within a line feature or a vertex, line, or area within an enclosed polygon is selected, the GIS is able to find the record in the database that is associated with that feature
The attribute data from that feature's record can be displayed, reviewed or used to label the feature
GPS can be used to collect both locational and attribute data
Locational data is a series of vertexes
A data dictionary is the outline format of features to be mapped, type of attribute to be collected, and the specification of attribute values as either nominal, numerical or ordinal, discrete or continuous
Locational data is not included directly with each grid cell, but must be associated with the image's grid cell by identifying the coordinate in the upper-left-hand-grid cell, defining the grid cell size horizontally and vertically, and any rotation that might be needed for the image
This information is stored in a simple text file called a world file
Attribute data within a raster image cell is a color value
Raster grids provide valuable information and the color represents specific attributes such as elevation data, yield data, nutrient data and distance from a specific object