Pre-analysis, needs to be completed before further analysis can be done
Data preparation
Putting data in a useable and compatible format with other data layers
The most important part is changing the projection, also known as REPROJECTION
Most maps (in the US) have already been projected, so when they are digitized, the projection, coordinate system, and datum automatically apply to the digital map
Since the majority of the maps are projected, similar projection was made
Tools for reprojecting data
A specific tool within a GIS software
ArcView 9.0 (within its toolbox)
Blue Marble Geographics (able to make coordinate conversion)
Process of reprojecting the coordinates
1. Identify the data source file of the map layer to be projected
2. Identify the current coordinate system and datum
3. Identify the new coordinate system and datum
4. Provide a new filename and path to save the new data source
Table query
A retrieval tool that is an early step in analysis, allowing the user to select a group of records that meet a specified set of criteria
Table query example
Yield point to create the criteria 180 ton/ha
Table Summaries
Summarizing the data statistically by calculating mean, standard deviation or range
Combining or calculating new information from current variable using a field calculator
Using scripts to complete tasks
A technique to join aspatial data with a spatial component
Statistical summaries example
Yield monitoring: Yield point will contain 20,000 or more georeferenced yield points, requiring summarization to make sense of it
Field calculator
A tool used in GIS to calculate a value within a database attribute field
Field calculator example
Calculating perimeter distance in feet for a vector polygon with an attribute in meters
A set of programming statements that can be entered by the user in ArcGIS, providing instructions for the computer to complete a task
Table join
Joining is done to connect the aspatial attribute table with the record of the polygon's spatial table when needed, to save storage space
Vector map tools
Spatial analysis tools for comparing points, lines or polygons
Overlays: Placing one vector polygon, line or point on top of another to see relationships
Unioning: Merging of two adjacent digital soil maps
Merging: Combining polygon features from the same layer
Intersecting: Subtracting operation, as opposed to unioning and merging
Clipping: Subtracting function, also known as a cookie cutter
Queries: Retrieval tools that can be used within a map
Spatial join: Joining information from a polygon to points
Raster analysis tools
Convert to grid: Works best with polygons or boundaries that already have attribute data
Interpolation: Estimating the value for each grid cell based on values of surrounding points
Finding distances: Calculating distances or other spatial characteristics
Proximity: Creating a continuous grid surface based on proximity to specific objects
Map calculator
The ultimate tool for spatial analysis, allowing the user to add, multiply, subtract, and perform many other operations on maps
Map calculator example
Calculating differences in yield from one year to the next by subtracting the earlier year's grid cell yield values from the current year's