LR and parentage testing

Cards (32)

  • define LR
    Weighing of the assessment of 2 mutually exculsive propsostions
    1. inclusionary: Hp: DNA orginates from POI
    2. exulsionary: Hd: DNA does not originate from POI
  • why is LR Important
    due to there being no situation which probability does not have an assumption
  • list the relevant case information for propositions
    1. alleged activities
    2. location of scene
    3. consenual partners
  • what is irrevelant info
    1. prior convictions
    2. motive
    3. other forensic evidence
    4. responsibilies of the judge and jury
  • bayes theorm
    • evidence interpretation
    • 100 billion times more likely
    • demostrates distinction between judge, jury and scientist is
  • LR =1
    posterior evidence has no change
    • evidence is neutral and inconclusive
    • occurs in partial profiles
  • LR >1
    supports Hp
  • LR <1
    Supports Hd
  • equation for LR
  • establishing major and minor peaks
    • calaculte peak height ratio
    • peaks should be 60+ for a major
  • guidance for setting propositions
    1. mutually exculsive - both cannot occur at same time
    2. help address the issue
    3. state number of contributors and realtionship
    4. close exhasutive: unrelated indivi
  • conditioning profiles
    DNA profile of indiv assumed to be contributor of DNA obatined by evidenatry item in both prop
  • assumed contributor
    DNA on an item is expected
  • how to determine of conditioning is required
    sample collected from exclusive
  • steps for conditioning
    1. state information and assumptions
    2. state propositions
    3. state LR
    4. be prepared to change it
  • 2 types of paternity testing
    1. parentage testing
    2. reverse paternity testing
  • parentage testing
    alleles from mother and child to find alleged father
  • reverse paternity testing
    alleles from mother and father to find child
  • 3 possibilities for interpreting results
    1. exclusion: DNA is not originated
    2. inconclsuive: DNA is unable to be determined
    3. failure to exclude: DNA could originate
  • PI
    paternity index, LR for maternity testing
  • when do we further analysis the results
    when alleged father is not excluded
  • name for alleged farther
    putative father
  • what do we look at if relative is invloved
    theta as it helps with interbreeding and closely tight populations
  • steps to determine PI
    1. find obligate alleles: alleles inherited from father
    2. equation
  • theta
    co-ancestory: measures probability that 2 alleles on indiv has at a particular locus are IBD
  • IBD
    indentifical by descent, which means they are related.
    • 2 people have common ancestor
  • identical by state
    alleles are the same due to mutation/chance
  • theta values
    • full sibs: 0.5
    • 2nd cousins: 1/16
    • sub-pop: 0.03-0.01
    • aboriginal pop: 0.05
  • when do we use theta
    1. small towm
    2. small pop
    3. religious group
    4. indigenous group
    5. inbreeding
  • AI
    avunclar index, when alleged farther is a relative
  • locus with the highest mutation
    • VWA
    • FGA
    • D18
  • Locus with the lowest mutation
    • TH01
    • TPOX
    • D16