Ectomeninx initiates ossification
Intramembranous ossification of cranial vault starts in isolated ossification centres as early as 7-8 weeks…bone formation spreads centrifugally
Subsequent calcification to primitive trabecular bone, initially present in 'woven state', gradually converted to 'lamellar state' after birth
During fetal and postnatal growth, flat bones enlarge by apposition of new layers on outer surface and by simultaneous osteoclastic resorption from the inside
Skeletal structure of skull: mesenchyme for structures derived from neural crest (white) and paraxial mesoderm (grey)
Small line of neural crest-derived mesenchyme remains between two parietal bones; contributes to signaling system governing growth of cranial vault at sutures and development of underlying meninges
In floor of the brain, bones of cranial base are formed initially in cartilage and are later transformed by endochondral ossification into bone
Conversion of ectomeninx mesenchyme into cartilage constitutes beginning of the chondrocranium…commences from 40th day of gestation and onwards
By 8 weeks, through endochondral ossification, cartilage is replaced by bone in the cranial base