program run by the Australiangovernment that subsidises various essential prescriptionmedicines for Australiancitizens, permanent residents and visitors from selectedcountries
PBS safety net:
protects individuals and families from high costs of essential prescription medicines by significantlyreducingsubsidised costs of medicine once they reach a certain threshold for remaining the calendar year
DEFINE national disability insurance scheme:
insurance scheme that provides support and services to people born with or acquire a disability, their families, and their carers
how does the PBS show sustainability?
Not every medication is listed on the PBS - would not be financially possible
Some medicines treat conditions, whilst others prevent conditions
Both reduce the need for expensive hospital treatment - keeping cost of health system manageable
how does the PBS show access?
As a result of reducing costs of various essential prescription medicines - PBS removes key barriers of income
PBS available to all Australians, regardless of characteristics
how does the PBS show funding?
Partially funded by the money collected through patient co-payments
Government pays through taxes
how does the PBS show equity?
PBS safety net assists individuals with highcosts for prescription medicines by significantly reducing them once they reach the threshold
People who have to spend a lot of money are provided with extra financial support - preventing them from become financially disadvantaged
how does the NDIS show sustainability?
Developed over 3 years - build up adequate funding over a sustained period rather than all at once
Assists individuals to gainemployment -> more employed = more people earning taxableincome = increases financialcapacity of the government to fund programs
It provides individualised plans to ensure that those who need it most receive the most.
how does the NDIS show access?
Enables participants to enjoy an ordinary life, involves supportingindividuals to access mainstream support and services
how does the NDIS show funding?
NDIS jointly funded by Federal and participating state and territory governments
how does the NDIS show equity?
NDIS provides individuals and carers with the necessary support based on a person’s specific needs
Addresses a person’s barrier to living an ordinary life
Not based on someone’sincomelevel - support isn’t dependent on how much someone earns, rather, the level of disability and subsequent support required.