Learning approach / SLT

Cards (5)

  • Social learning theory
    Learn through observation and imitation of other behaviour.
    1)Attention: Paying attention to the observed behaviour and its consequences.
    2)Retention: Storing observed behaviour in LTM.
    3)Reproduction: Individual must be able to reproduce said behaviour.
    4)Motivation: Individual expects the same positive reinforcement for imitating that behaviour.
  • Imitation is more likely to occur if model is positively reinforced.
    + If we identify with the model (sharing the same characteristics.)
  • Bandura's bobo doll
    Group 1) Shown aggressive behaviour towards doll.
    Group 2) Shown non-aggressive behaviour towards doll.
    Group 3) Not shown any doll. Children were then taken to a room full of toys and told not to play with them. (Aggression arousal)
    ->Found that G1 were more aggressive than the other two groups.
  • Bandura & Walters (II)

    All groups exposed to aggressive model and saw different consequences for each model.
    Group 1) Model praised (positive reinforcement.)
    Group 2) Model punished (punishment.)
    Group 3) No consequences.
    ->Found that G1 was the most aggressive followed by G3 and then G2.
    ->Shows that imitation is more likely to occur if model is positively reinforced.
  • Banduras BBD & Bandura, Walters Evaluation

    Limitation) Tasks used were artificial, lacking in mundane realism
    -> Don't reflect the way participants behaved in real life.
    Strength) Can be used to explain the influence of media on aggressive behaviour.
    Limitation) Participants were young children that haven't developed moral values.
    ->Cannot generalise findings to older children or adults.