Host includes; servers, clients, routers, firewalls, and mobile phones
HostHardening - It is the process of protecting a host against attacks.
Hardening - It is not a single protection but rather a number of each protections that often have little in common with each other.
Security Baselines - It is a set of specific actions to be taken to harden all hosts of a particular type and of particular versions within each type.
Virtualization - It allows multiple operating systems, with their associated applications and data, to run independently on a single physical machine.
System Administrators - IT employees who manage individual hosts or groups of hosts are called systems administrators.
Computer Management Microsoft Management Console - Most administrative tools in windows server come in the same general format.
Microsoft Management Console - Have this same general organization, with an icon bar, a tree pane, and the sub objects pane.
Graphical User Interface - Gnome
Vulnerabilities - These are the security weaknesses that open a program to attack.
Exploits - These are the programs that take advantage of the vulnerability.
Zero-day-attacks - These are the attacks that come before fixes are released
Fixes - When vendors discover that they have vulnerabilities.
Work-arounds - It is a series of manual actions to be taken or no new software and usually labor-intensive and error prone.
Patches - Small programs that fix vulnerabilities.
Service packs - Collections of patches and improvement
Upgrading to a new version of the program - Security vulnerabilities are fixed in new versions.
Groups - Individual accounts can be consolidated into groups.
Super User Account - The owner of this account can see or do anything on the computer.
Super User Account
Linux - Root
Windows - Administrator
Permissions - it specifty what the user or group can do to files, directories, and subdirectories if anything at all.
Testing Vulnerabilities - It attempts to find any weaknesses in a firm's protection suite before attackers do, letting the systems administrator know what work still needs to be done.
Windows Action Center - It is the control panel for most common security features system and security category allows access to each individual component.
Windows Firewall - This stateful packet inspection fire wall has been included in all subsequent client versions of windows.
Standard Configuration for PCs - It may restrict application, configuration settings, and even the user interface, and more generally reduce maintenance costs.
Network Access Control - The goal of this approach is to reduce the danger created by computer with malware.
Windows Group Policy Objects - These are the policy sets governing a particular class of computers.