group size

Cards (5)

  • group size can influence the rate of conformity even when the answer is clearly incorrect
  • Asch study
    1 vs 1 = 4%
    2 vs 1 = 14%
    3 vs 1 = 32%
    4 vs 1 = 35%
    then the percentage began decreasing
  • why did the conformity rates decrease again after the majority was 4
    because people may feel less judged if there’s more majority = their answer won’t have social consequences
  • what did Asch suggest the optimum group size is

  • group size AO3
    :) supports that the size of a majority is a factor in conformity
    :( however, it is argued that WHO is in the majority is more important
    = conformity rate was higher if they were friends ( normative social influence )