Bonding + structure (1)

Cards (27)

  • What is an ionic bond

    strong electrostatic forceof attraction between positive and negative ions
  • What is a covalent bond?

    shared pair of electrons
  • Which non metallic elements can share more than one pair of electrons forming multiple bonds?
    - H-H
    - O=O
    - N≡N
  • How many electrons are involved in a H=h
  • What is the octet rule?
    the tendency of atoms to gain a valance shell with a total of 8 electrons
  • Why do some elements have more than 8 e- in their outer shell?
    - Have a vacant 3rd orbital
    -Which can occupy electrons
    - Therefore, most elements at end of period 3 can have more than 8 electrons
  • Which elements are exceptions of the octect rule by having MORE than 8 electrons in its outershell?
    - S
    - P
    - Cl
    - Si
  • Which elements are exceptions of the octect rule by having LESS than 8 electrons in its outershell?
    - B
    - Be
    - Al
  • Why is boron triflouride (BF3) an exception to the octet rule and explain why?
    Boron triflouride (BF3)
    - Boron has 3 outer shell e-
    - Flourine has 7 outershell e-
    - 3 covalent bonds form: Each F has 8 outer e- HOWEVER, Boron has only SIX outershell e-
  • What are examples of compounds that are exceptions to the octet rule and explain why?
    - Boron triflouride BF3
    - BeCl2
    - BH3
    - SO3
    - (A*) IF5
    - (A*) XeF4
  • What are electron pairs which form bonds called in covalent bonding?
    bonding pairs
  • What is a dative covalent bond ndicated by?
    An arrow pointing from the atom supplying the electrons to which the atom then shares them
  • what should you always include in dative bond diagram?
    - Box with sign
    - Arrow to show where dative bond in EVEN if showing shape (EG H3O+ in pyramidal shape)
  • What is a dative covalent bond?
    - A shared pair of electrons which have been provided by one of the bonding atoms ONLY
    -Occurs if one of the atoms possess a lone pair of electrons which can be donated to form a covalent bond
  • What is the bond enthalpy?
    energy required to break a bond
  • Units of bond enthalpy
  • What is shape determined by?
    Number of electrion pairs in outer shell surrounding CENTRAL atom
  • Electron pair repulsion theory points - shape is determined by..?: (3)
    - Number of e- pairs- electron pairs repel to become as far apart as possible-lone pairsof electronsrepel more stronglythanbonding pairs
  • Using a dot and cross diagram, what 3 factors can be used to predict the shape of molecules and ions?
    - Number of pairs of outershell e- on central atom
    - Number of bonding pairs of e-
    - Number of ione pairs of e-
  • Why do Ione pairs of electrons repel more than a bonded pair?
    - lone pair isslightly more electron densethan a bonding pair
  • Non linear features:
    - No. of bonding pairs?
    - No. Ione pairs?
    - Bond angle?

    - BP = 2
    - IP = 2
    - Bond Angle = 104.5
  • Pyramidal features:
    - No. of bonding pairs?
    - No. Ione pairs?
    - Bond angle?

    - BP = 3
    - IP = 1
    - Bond angle = 107
  • Trigonal planar features:
    - No. of bonding pairs?
    - No. Ione pairs?
    - Bond angle?

    - BP = 3
    - IP = 0
    - Bond Angle = 120 degrees
  • Tetrahedral features:
    - No. of bonding pairs?
    - No. Ione pairs?
    - Bond angle?

    - BP = 4
    - IP = 0
    - BA = 109.5
  • Octahedral features:
    - No. of bonding pairs?
    - Bond angle?

    - BP = 6
    - Bond angle = 90
  • How to determine shapes by counting electrons?
    Step one:Work out how many electrons on the central atom using the periodic table.
    Step two:Add one electron for each single covalent bond formed to the central atom.
    Step three:If the molecule is charged, add one electron for each negative charge. Subtract oneelectron for each positive charge.
    Step four:Divide this number of electrons by 2 to give the number of electron pairs; this givesthe basic shape.
    2 pair = linear 180o3 pairs = trigonal planar 120 o4 pairs = tetrahedral 109.5o6 pairs = octahedral 90 o
    Step five:Modify this basic shape if lone pairs are present (by comparing step 2 and 4),reducing the bond angle by 2.5ofor each lone pair.
  • If a question asks to:
    - name the shape
    - state the bond angles
    - explain the shape of a molecules

    How should you structure your answer? especiallly if there is an ione pair

    NAME OF SHAPE- Has this shape because...- Has [x] bonding pairs- Has [y] electrons pairs to become as fair apart as possible, forming a bond angle of [w degrees]- (IF IONE PAIR)"Lone pairs of electrons repel more strongly than bonding pairs"