What is the evidence for hemispheric lateralisation?
Evidence for hemispherical lateralisation comes from split brain research from patients who have had their corpus callosum cut meaning that the hemispheres can no longer communicate with eachother, this was used as a treatment for people suffering with extreme epilepsy.
Patients reported very few side effects from the treatment, however, they did say that they felt like they had the strange sensation that they were two people inside one body.
Sperry 1968 conducted an experiment, presenting stimuli to either the left or right hemisphere of 11 patients, asking them to pick out the object/stimulus from a group, either describing or pointing it out.
Sperry found that if patients were asked to identify the stimulus from a group it was only successful when presented to the right hemisphere, and when patients were asked to verbally describe the image the task was only performed successfully if the image ws presented to the left hemisphere.
From this, Sperry concluded that language skills are hemispherically lateralised to the left and spatial to the right.