
Cards (63)

  • Economic growth
    Growth in GDP over time
  • Gross domestic product
    The total value of goods and services produced in a country in a year
  • GDP per capita
    GDP divided by population
  • Boom
    A period of high economic growth
  • Recession
    Two or more consecutive quarters of negative economic growth
  • Labour force
    The number of people who work in a country
  • Employment
    The use of labour in an economy to produce goods and services
  • Unemployment
    Measures the number of people who are able to work, but do not have a job during a period of time.
  • Claimant count
    A measure of unemployment that includes those receiving unemployment-related benefits
  • Level of unemployment
    The number of people in the working population who are unemployed.
  • Rate of unemployment
    The percentage of the country's workforce that is unemployed
  • Frictional unemployment
    Unemployment caused by time lags when workers move between jobs
  • Seasonal unemployment
    Unemployment caused by a fall in demand during a particular season
  • Structural unemployment
    Unemployment caused by a permanent decline in industry
  • Cyclical unemployment
    Unemployment caused by a lack of demand in the economy
  • Distribution of income
    How incomes are shared out between individuals and households
  • Income
    The reward for the service provided a factor of production, including labour
  • Wealth
    The market value of all the assets owned by a particular person, group or country at a specific point in time.
  • Gross income
    Income before any taxes are taken or benefits given
  • Net income
    Income available after the effect of direct taxes and benefits
  • Distribution of wealth
    How wealth is shared out between individuals and households
  • Cost of living
    The price level of goods and services bought by the average family
  • Inflation
    A sustained rise in the general price level over time
  • Price stability
    When the general price level stays constant over a period of time, or grows at an acceptably low rate
  • Rate of inflation
    The percentage rise in the general price level over time
  • Consumer Price Index
    The key measure of inflation- the change in the cost of buying a fixed basket of goods and services
  • Government spending
    The total amount of money that the government spends in a given period of time
  • Government revenue
    The source of finance for government spending, from direct and indirect taxes
  • Direct tax
    A tax that must be paid by the person on whom it is levied
  • Indirect tax
    A tax levied on one party but passed on to another for payment
  • Balanced government budget
    When tax revenue is equal to government spending
  • Budget defecit
    When government spending is greater than tax revenue
  • Budget surplus
    When government spending is less than tax revenue
  • Fiscal policy
    Government policy that attempts to manage the economy by controlling taxing and spending.
  • Income and wealth redistribution
    Government action, using mainly taxation and benefits, to reduce inequalities of income and wealth
  • Progressive tax
    A tax which takes a higher percentage of tax for a higher income
  • Proportional tax
    A tax which takes the same rate of tax for all incomes
  • Regressive tax

    A tax which takes a lower percentage of tax for higher income
  • Monetary policy
    Government policy that attempts to manage the economy by controlling the money supply and thus interest rates.
  • Supply-side policy
    Policy that increases the productive potential, which is the ability of the economy to supply more goods and services