Radiation’s of the suns in terms of the electromagnetic spectrum
Visible light temporary reddening
low ultraviolet quick tanning
high energy uv tanning and sunburn
Formation of ozone
O2 + O —> O3
Destruction of ozone
Chlorine radicals are the catalyst for the breakdown of ozone
Effects of ozone in the atmosphere
Absorbs high energy UV in the stratosphere
Effects of ozone in the the troposhpere
Harmful pollutant produces photochemical smog causing res issues
Effects of high energy UV on human skin
causes sunburn and an increased risk of skin cancer
Effects of UV on promoting Electrons to higher energy levels 4 types
vibration of bonds
electron energy
Photon to mole
X by avogadros constant
Photon is equal to
Bond energy
3 things can happen when a molecule absorbs UV radiation
Ionisation electron is able to leave lots of radiation
photodissociation radicals are formed
electrons move between energy levels
What is homolytic bond fission
One of the 2 shared electrons goes to each atom
what is heterolytic bond fission
Common when a bond is polar both electrons go to one atom so one becomes positive one negative
Define initiation, propagation, termination
Initiation radicals are produced no radicals in reactant
propagation radicals in both reactant and products
termination radicals in reactants none in products
imitation reaction named on spec
Cfcl2 —> cf2cl + cl.
Propagation reaction on spec
Cl. + O3 —> clo. + O2
Second propgation reaction on spec
Clo. + O —> cl. + O2
Effect of concentration and pressure on rate of reaction in terms of collision theory
More pressurised increases rate of reaction as more collisions and if concentration increases so does the rate of reaction
Activation enthalpy define
The nervy needed for a reaction to begin
The hotter the temp the lower the peak and the further right it is
Hotter the temp the speed of the molecules is faster so nearer the right also the higher the temp the higher the area beloe EA. meaning more successful collisions
Role of catalysts
Providing alternative reaction pathways usually at a lower activation energy
Homogeneous catalysts
In the same state as reactants
Formation of intermediates
Catalysts forms an unstable product in the middle of the reaction
Breakdown of ozone by haloalakanes
Haloalkajes get into the stratosphere via natural processes molecules plot up by solar radiation which form halogen radicals that catalyse the breakdown of ozone