Includes stages in the romantic relationship whereby one gets to know more about the other person in an exclusive manner through dating.
A process that offers an opportunity for an individual to know more about another person and have a friendly association or enjoyable time with him/her.
Is a common activity to individuals in the late adolescent stage.
In this stage, a person will select an individual who will be his or her "steady."
Selective stage
After dating, a person decides whether or not to continue 'seeing' a certain individual.
Selective stage
This is the stage where a romantic relationship is made official.
It involves an agreement, such as exclusively dating each other and the intention to proceed with marriage in the future.
Going 'steady'
A multifaceted and complex concept that could be experienced in every stage of life - childhood, adolescence, and adulthood.
One of the psychologists who theorized about love proposed his "triangular theory of love."
Robert Sternberg
Where three components of love are absent.
Characterized by the feeling of closeness without passion and commitment.
Liking or friendship
There is an experience of passionate excitement but intimacy and the decision to commit are missing.
Infatuated love
There is no love or passion only commitment.
Empty love
The components of intimacy and passion are present, but commitment is missing.
Romantic love
Can be considered as stronger than friendship because of the presence of intimacy. There is no passion but long-term commitment exists.
Companionate love
There is a passion which results in commitmthatent, but since there was a rushed decision to commit, there was no opportunity for intimacy.
Fatuous love
A concrete example of this is whirlwind romances and marriages.
Fatuous love
The perfect and ideal form of love everybody desires to achieve.
Consummate love
According to Sternberg, couples in this kind of love cannot find happiness from other persons besides their partners.
Consummate love
A promise, pledge, or decision to stick by each other through the ups and downs of the relationship.
Stages of courtship.
Three Dimensions of Commitment in Intimate Relationships.
Commitment as an attraction or the "want to" aspect.
Commitment as a moral obligation or the "ought to" aspect.
Commitment as a constraint or the "have to" aspect.
Five (5) acceptable expressions of attraction.
Glancing at each other
Verbal communication
Giving presents
Walking arm in arm
Holding hands
Five (5) unacceptable expressions of attraction.
Intimate activities
Holding in public
Invading personal space
How to become responsible in managing relationships?
Be "ready" before entering a relationship
Make an assessment of your level of maturity
Weigh the risks and the consequences of your actions