Paradise Lost

Cards (9)

  • Eve: “God is thy law, thou mine: to know no more is woman’s happiest knowledge and her praise."
  • “flowers, garlands and sweet-smelling herbs/Époused Eve decked first her nuptial bed/And heavenly choirs the hymenean song"
  • “more adorned, more lovely than Pandora"
  • Sex has “sole properiety/In Paradise of all things Common sense"
  • “Eve, who unseen/Yet all had heard, with audible lament"
  • “Judge not what is best by pleasure"
  • Paradise Lost, published 1667
  • Denis Saurat
    2 conclusions of Milton; "the necessity of woman, for the satisfaction of normal desire” and “the inferiroity of woman, who remains, after all, the instrument of desire"
  • John Leonard, 2013
    Milton praised and blamed for his bold insistence that A+E made love before the fall.