reporting psychological investigations

Cards (8)

  • Title 
    This will determine who reads the full report. It should be as concise as possible, yet at the same time it should be informative. Anyone reading the title should know exactly what the report is about.
  • Abstract
    A brief (150-200 words) summary of the report. If a psychologist finds the title to be useful the next step is for them to read the abstract. This is a concise summary of the study covering the aims/hypothesis, method/procedure, results and conclusions.
  • Introduction
    Designed to introduce the reader to the topic area and background to the study. This is made up of the relevant theories and past studies/research relevant to the research question. This allows the reader to place the study in context. This will then allow the researcher to introduce the actual study and to explain the ideas behind it before going into the specific research hypotheses.
  • Method
    This section will describe how the study was conducted. It should have enough information to allow for replication. This serves two important functions. If the method cannot be replicated, then the findings cannot be checked to see if they are (1) reliable and (2) valid. This section should include the design, participants, apparatus/resources/materials, pilot study (if applicable) and procedure.
  • Results
    Will report the findings of the study clearly and accurately. It may report the findings in words, or use visual interpretations of the data in the form of graphs, tables, and so on. It usually also includes the results of inferential analyses to determine whether results are significant.
  • Discussion 
    This section begins with a summary of the findings of the results before going on to offer explanations of the behaviours observed and may also consider the implications of the research and make suggestions for further research.
  • Appendices
    Comprised of a copy of all resources/materials used within the study, raw data and statistical calculations.
  • Reference
    Complete details of all research documents, journals, internet resources and books that were mentioned and used for additional background research. An example of how this might appear for a book used would be:
    • Skinner, B.F. (1953). Science and Human Behaviour. New York: MacMillan
    • The format therefore is: Author (Year). Title of Book. Place: Publisher