
Cards (8)

  • predestination = the view that all events have been willed by God from eternity, specifically the fate of the righteous + the damned
    • individual fates have been willed by God - implies their conduct is morally good because God has willed it, therefore implying good moral conduct in humans is less important than God's will - whatever God decides will happen
  • predestination in the teaching of Paul:
    • "for those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son"
    • God decided in advance who would be justified - however, many Christians think this is a distortion of Paul's teaching
    • God's purposes cannot be known or understood by humans
    • Paul may have simply been trying to say that because of Gods omniscience, he knows what individuals will freely choose, so in that sense salvation is predestined
  • predestination in the teaching of Augustine:
    • God infallibly knows who will be saved
    • predestination is an act of grace
    • humans cannot understand the will of God - why he chooses to save some + not others
    • doctrine of double predestination
  • the view of Pelagius:
    • freedom + predestination don't work together
    • everything God created was good, so God couldn't possibly have created humanity in a state of original sin
    • grace = God's gift of free will to humans
  • Augustine's doctrine of double predestination:
    1. God predestines some to God's kingdom through his grace
    2. but leaves others immersed in their sin to be condemned to hell through both their choice + works
  • predestination in the teaching of Calvin:
    • reaffirmed Augustine's doctrine of double predestination
    • God decided before creation who would be saved + who would be damned to hell
    • because of original sin, all humanity deserves damnation, so God's act of electing some is entirely an act of grace
    • "all are not created on equal terms, but some are preordained to eternal life, others eternal damnation"
    the Catholic Church rejected Calvin's teaching
  • problems with the idea of predestination:
    • problem of evil
    • why would God create beings who would inevitably go to hell?
    • seems to contradict ideas around free will
    • why have scripture or religious institutions if God has decided everything already?
  • philosophers for predestination:
    • Paul
    • Augustine vs Pelagius
    • Calvin