Chilomastrix mesnili

Cards (12)

  • What do you call the non-pathogenic intestinal flagellate?
    Chilomastix mesnili
  • The prevalence of chilomastix mesnili in the philippines are what?
    less than 1%
  • Chilomastix mesnili prefer what type of climate?
  • Can you describe the shape of chilomastix mesnili?
    asymmetrically pear-shaped
  • Can you describe the motility of Chilomastix mesnili?
    Boring, spiral, and rotary forward movement
  • What is the unique part of the trophozoite of chilomastix mesnili?
    spiral groove
  • The cyst of Chilomastix mesnili is what shape?
    pear or lemon-shaped
  • The cyst of Chilomastix mesnili is BROADLY ROUNDED at one end and BLUNTLY CONICAL at the other end
  • MOT of Chilomastix mesnili?
    Ingestion of CYSTS in food and drinks or FECAL-ORAL
  • What is the target organ of Chilomastix mesnili?
    large intestine
  • What is the infective stage of chilomastix mesnili?
  • what is the diagnostic stage of chilomastix mesnili?
    cyst and trophozoites