Computing Paper 2

Subdecks (1)

Cards (56)

  • How can algorithms be represented?
    Via pseudocode or flowcharts
  • What is abstraction and decomposition?
    Abstraction removes unnecessary detail from a problem.
    Decomposition breaks a problem into sub-problems that each represent a specific task
  • What does this symbol represent in a flowchart?
  • What does this symbol represent in a flowchart?
  • What does this symbol represent in a flowchart?
  • What does this symbol represent in a flowchart?
  • What does this symbol represent in a flowchart?
  • What does this symbol represent in a flowchart?
    Direction of flow
  • What are tracetables?
    A table that shows how value changes when an algorithm is carried out. They go through each line of code and only add to a column when that column's value changes. Gaps are fine.
  • How does a linear search work?
    Compares each item one by one until target is found.
    Pros: No need for list to be in order
    Cons: Can be slow as each item may need to be checked
  • How does a binary search work?

    • Compares middle item to its target
    • Discards the half of the list which the target cannot be in
    • Finds next middle item and repeats until target is found
    Pros: Halves search space, making it more time efficient than linear search
    Cons: Array must be sorted first
  • How does a bubble sort work?
    • Look at first two items in list, if they're in right order you don't have to do anything. If they're in the wrong order, swap them
    • Move onto next pair of items until you get to end of list - this is called one pass
    • Repeat steps until no more swaps in a pass
    Pros: Simple algorithm and does not use much memory
    Cons: Inefficient way to sort a list and does not cope well with a large list of items
  • How does a merge sort work?
    • Divides list into two parts continuously until each item has 1 item
    • Then combines the two lists at a time, keeping items in order
    Pros: More efficient and quicker than bubble sort for large lists and has a consistent running time
    Cons: Slow for small lists and uses more memory
  • How does a insertion sort work?
    • Starts with one item in the "sorted" part and moves items one by one from the "unsorted" part to the "sorted" part
    Pros: Copes very well with small lists and is very quick to add and check items in an ordered list
    Cons: Does not cope well with large lists
  • What data types are there?

    Integer - A whole number
    Real/Float - A number with a fractional part
    Boolean - True or false
    Character - A letter, number or symbol
    String - A group of characters
  • What arithmetic operators are there?
    Multiplication - *
    Exponentiation - ^
    Division - /
    Quotient - DIV (cuts of decimal)
    Modulus - MOD (shows remainder only)
  • What comparison operators are there?
    Equal to: ==
    Not equal to: !=
    Greater than: >
    Less than: <
    Greater than or equal to: >=
    Less than or equal to: <=
  • What boolean operators are there?
    NOT - opposite
    AND - both sides needed
    OR - Only one side needed
  • What is a variable and a constant?
    Variable - identifiers that hold a value that can be changed (variable = "value1")
    Constant - identifiers that hold a value that cannot be changed (const PI = 3.142)
  • What is selection?
    Where IF statements are always checked
    • ELSE IFs or ELIFs are only checked if previous conditions were false
    • ELSEs have no conditions and only run if all previous conditions were false
    • SWITCH statements are useful where a variable determines the selection
  • What is iteration?
    Count-controlled loops
    • FOR loops repeat a set number of times
    For example:
    For i in range(5)
  • What are condition-controlled loops?
    Where loops are repeated until a condition is broken.
    • WHILE loops repeat until a condition is broken
    • DO UNTIL loops repeat until a condition is met
  • What is a data structure?
    Organised collections of items.
    An array is an example
  • What is an array?
    A data structure that contains items of the same data type and is of a fixed length
    • Assume the index starts at 0 unless told otherwise
  • What is SQL?
    Structured Query Language, used to search and retrieve data
    SELECT Field(s)
    FROM Table
    WHERE Condition
  • What are 2D arrays?
    Data structure that represents fields and records
  • How do we read & write a file?
    • Before reading or writing to an external file we need to open it.
    textFile = open ("client_data.txt")
    textFile.writeLine ("AJ, 24, London")
    while NOT textFile.endOfline()
    print(myFile.readLine() )

    • and when your done, you need to close it
  • What are sub programs?
    Named out line of blocks of code that you must call to execute them.
  • How can we make a code more maintable?
    • Built from many sub programs
    • Consistent in indentation
    • Consistent in naming conventions
    • Uses comments to explain code (#)
  • What is the point of robust programs?
    It makes it so your program won't crash, won't have errors and will be reliable.
  • What is the point of defensive design aims?
    To make programs robust because users can't be trusted so anticipate misuse.
  • What are the two types of testing?
    Testing of modules throughout development. Any issues found will be fixed and the module should be retested
    Testing of the whole program at the end of development
  • What are the two types of errors?
    Syntax - not following rules of the language so code won't run
    Logic error - code runs but not as you intended
  • What is validation?
    Enforcing a rule around user input
  • What is authentication?
    Checking the identity of a user through password checks etc
  • How can we test data for robustness?
    Normal - typical user inputs
    Boundary - on the edge of being allowed
    Invalid/Erroneous - completely wrong
  • What is this logic gate?
    • Reverse logic state e.g. if input is true, output will be false
  • What is this logic gate?
    • If both inputs are true, then the output is true
  • What logic gate is this?
    OR gate
    • If both inputs are false, output is false otherwise outputs are true
  • What are truth tables?
    Logical tables showing all possible inputs of and associated outputs for each input