weapons of mass destruction

Cards (7)

  • 3 different types of weapons of mass destruction:
    • atomic or nuclear
    • biological
    • chemical
  • it is generally agreed that jus in bello criteria cannot be met if WMD are used
  • where weapons kill indiscriminately there are real concerns:
    • 2006: cluster bombs dropped on Lebanon; only 40% exploded on contact
    • these are still causing serious disability + death to innocent people
    • violation of jus in bello
  • WMD never fulfil the Just War criteria of discrimination, proportionality + probability of success
  • Christian Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND)
    • "the Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it": everyday that nuclear weapons are armed, humanity runs the risk of a nuclear catastrophe - living alongside this threat is not being a good steward of creation
    • "the Kingdom of God is come to you": by working for an end to nuclear weapons Christians are playing their part in advancing the Kingdom of God
  • Christian views on the application of JWT to WMD: accept
    • conventional warfare is almost as bad as nuclear warfare in its methods + effects
    • WMD can't be uninvented
    • nuclear weapons act as a good deterrent to prevent war
  • Christian view on the application of JWT to WMD: opposition
    • such weapons are intrinsically evil
    • Pope Francis has urged the abolition of nuclear weapons, as did the 2 previous Popes
    • most UK Churches are opposed to the replacement of Trident