
Cards (9)

  • drug: 

    a substance that can have an effect on the body
  • an effective drug
    • safe
    • stable / does not break
    • body needs to remove from system in short time
  • Stages of drug trial

    1. Preclinical trials
    2. Clinical trials
  • Preclinical trials

    • Cells and tissues- to check if its toxic
    • Animals- to see effect of whole body
  • Clinical trials
    1. Stage 1: Test on small number of healthy individuals-to see if there are any side effects
    2. Stage 2: Test on small group of sick individuals-to see if the drug works
    3. Stage 3: Test on large group - to determine dosage
  • Placebo
    A drug that does not contain medicine/fake drug
  • Double blind trial/test
    Neither the patient nor doctor knows who has had the placebo and who had the drug
  • Peer review
    When scientists check each others work
  • structure of the atom

    • protons
    • neutrons
    • electrons