investigate effect of LEADING QUESTIONS on reliability of recall.
L + P - sample.
45 participants who were college students by opportunity sample.
L + P - methodology.
independant groups, iv - 5 iv's (which word) and dv estimated speed.
L + P - procedure.
given either smashed, bumped, collided, hit or contacted.
L + P - findings.
smashed condition had highest speed estimate (40.5) compared to contacted being lowest (31.8).
L + P - conclusion.
post event information can reconstruct our original memory (supports reconstructive memory by Bartlett).
evaluate in terms of strengths.
r - large control due to being a lab study. a - application to Devlin report 1976 on ewt and memory influence. v - high internal validity. I+d - psychology over time and how cases and the courts have become stricter over memory use.
evaluate in terms of weaknesses.
g - unrepresentative as college students. v- lack of external controls on variables and also low ecological validity. yuille + cutshall - showed real Canadian shooting in which recall was good (shows validity issue of if results reflect).
L + P - procedure 2.
only had smashed and hit condition then also a control group. they were asked a week later if there was any smashed glass.
L + P - findings 2.
32% in smashed said they saw glass compared to only 14% in hit condition.