Cards (287)

  • Email
    A way to send and receive messages across the Internet
  • Email
    Similar to traditional mail, but also has some key differences
  • Email address
    Needed to receive emails, includes a username, the @ symbol, and the email provider's domain
  • Email providers
    Companies that provide email accounts, can be web-based email services (webmail)
  • Email interface
    • Includes the inbox, message pane, and compose pane
  • Using an email interface
    1. Send and receive messages
    2. Discuss various terms, actions, and features
  • Internet
    A global network of billions of computers and other electronic devices that allows access to information, communication, and various services
  • World Wide Web (WWW)

    A collection of different websites that can be accessed through the Internet
  • Inbox pane
    • Where you view and manage received emails
  • Messaging pane
    • Where you can read messages and choose how to respond
  • Compose pane
    • Where you create your own email message, including recipient email address, subject, attachments, and formatting
  • To field
    Where you add the email addresses of the recipients you are sending the email to
  • CC (carbon-copy)

    Email field option to send a copy of the email to additional recipients
  • BCC (Blind Carbon-Copy)

    Email field option to send a copy of the email to additional recipients without other recipients seeing the BCC addresses
  • BCC is the email field option used to send email copies to other recipients without them noticing
  • Email body
    • The main content of the email message
  • Reply vs Reply to all

    Options for responding to an email
  • Email signature
    • Added to the end of an email message
  • The World Wide Web needs the Internet to operate

    The Internet provides the infrastructure (cables, routers, etc.) for the World Wide Web to function
  • Email send button
    • Used to send the composed email message
  • The World Wide Web is a subset of the Internet, while the Internet is a global network of computers, the World Wide Web is an application that runs on the Internet
  • How the Internet works
    1. Computer sends request over physical cables to a server
    2. Server retrieves website data and sends it back to the computer
    3. All happens in a few seconds
  • Email attachment
    • Files, photos, documents, etc. that can be included with an email
  • Components of the Internet
    • Servers
    • Clients
    • Cables
    • Routers
  • Web browser
    A program used to access and view websites on the World Wide Web
  • Email calendar
    • Allows scheduling appointments, organizing tasks, and managing time
  • Email etiquette

    Rules and guidelines for communicating effectively and safely using email
  • Search engine
    A program that finds web pages on the World Wide Web by searching an index of web pages
  • Never attach a file without mentioning it in the body of the email
  • Avoid sending excessively large attachments or uncompressed photos
  • Use universal file types like .PDF, .RTF, and .JPG for attachments
  • How a search engine works
    1. User types keywords/question
    2. Search engine searches index for relevant web pages
    3. Search engine ranks and returns most useful web pages
  • Email greeting

    The opening of an email message
  • Web crawler
    An automated program that browses the web and stores information about the web pages it visits to create a search engine index
  • When analysing markets, a range of assumptions are made about the rationality of economic agents involved in the transactions
  • Bookmark
    A method of saving a web page's address for quick future access
  • Email clarity
    Ensuring the email message is clear and easy to understand
  • The Wealth of Nations was written
  • Downloading files
    1. User clicks link to file
    2. Browser prompts to open or save file
    3. Download begins and progress is indicated
  • Rational
    (in classical economic theory) economic agents are able to consider the outcome of their choices and recognise the net benefits of each one