Wanted to scientifically study the structure of the human mind and aspects of behaviour under controlled experimental conditions.
Structuration - best way to study behaviour is by breaking it down into basic elements
Gaining knowledge about own mental and emotional internal state. The first systematic and experimental attempt to study human behaviour. Self-report technique, Wundt recording his thoughts in response to a stimuli.
Comparable so able to establish general theories
Standardised and controlled conditions
Replication - separates psychology from philosophy
Eval Wundt : Strength
His methods can be considered scientific as they are standardised, systematic and well controlled. His research was in the controlled environment of a lab, preventing extraneous variables.
Eval Wundt : Weakness
The reliance on self-report techniques results in subjective data and so it is difficult to establish meaningful 'laws of behaviour' to predict future behaviour, meaning Wundt may not be scientific.
Emergence of Psychology as a Science
Separation of psychology from philosophy is marked through application of empirical methods (knowledge comes from observation)
Development of scientific theories and constant testing completes the scientific cycle
Eval psych as a science : Strength
Modern psychology (learning, cognitive and biological approaches) rely on scientific methods suggesting psych is established as a science
Eval psych as a science : Weakness
Humanistic approach prefers focus on individual and subjective methods. Human beings are active participants in research and may be responding to demand characteristics, meaning that a scientific approach may not always be desirable or possible